My Pantry Roasted Salad

My Pantry Roasted Salad

Roasted Artichokes
  • 3 cans artichokes, drained and pat dried
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme or sage)
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 giant clove of garlic, grated
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Place the dried artichokes on a sheet tray and cover with the olive oil, grated fresh garlic, fresh rosemary and season with kosher salt and cracked black pepper. Place in the oven for 30 minutes until golden and lightly charred.
Roasted beans
  • 3 cans of beans (kidney beans, pinto, chickpeas, honestly whatever is in your pantry) 
  • 2 tsp granulated garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika 
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tablespoon aleppo pepper or 1 1/2 tsp cayenne
  • kosher salt to taste
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, plus more to finish the salad with
  • Arugula 
  • Pecorino romano, shaved
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Maldon sea salt to finish
  1. Drain, rinse and dry all your canned beans. Place on a sheet tray and cover with garlic powder, smoked paprika, paprika, aleppo pepper, lots of kosher salt and the extra virgin olive oil. Mix around and place in the 425 degree preheated oven until crispy around 30-35 minutes. Remove and let cool.
  2. To assemble, start with the arugula in a bowl and then top with the roasted artichokes, the crispy beans, shave over pecorino romano and then drizzle the balsamic, evoo on top and finish with maldon. Toss and enjoy!